Lemax Plymouth Corners Village Collection
Lemax Plymouth Corners Collection

Plymouth Corners - Lighted Buildings

Jonathan's Houseboat On The Bay

Product Details

Title: Jonathan's Houseboat On The Bay
SKU#: 15754
Description: Jonathan's Houseboat on the Bay is ready to take you out to sea for Christmas. The boat is sitting in splashing waves, and it's painted red, white, and green for the holidays. Christmas decorations hang from the top deck and throughout the main cabin. There's even a Christmas tree made entirely out of rope and topped with a starfish. There's also a barbecue on the back deck, and a couple of hungry seagulls looking for food!
  • Approx. size (H x W x D)
    6.22 x 9.45 x 4.41 inches
    15.8 x 24 x 11.2 cm
  • Year Released: 2021
  • Made of: Porcelain
  • Product type: Lighted Buildings
  • Control switch: On/Off switch
  • Electrical: 1.83m light cord (6 feet) OR LED bulb Moonlander and adaptor
  • Village: Plymouth Corners
Lighted Feature